Dodgeball at Performance FieldHouse


Dodgeball Programs

Dodgeball at Performance FieldHousePerformance FieldHouse is Southwest Michigan’s premiere indoor sports facility with plenty of room for a competitive games of dodgeball. Check out our current offerings below.

Dodgeball Leagues

Our drop-in dodgeball has been very popular, we’re ready to start a dodgeball league. Please contact us if you are interested in being part of a dodgeball league here. We are also taking suggestions on days and times that would work for YOU!!  (It’s not about us!!)

Dojang at Performance FieldHouse Paw Paw

Martial Arts

We do have that matted room in addition to the two basketball courts. This is a great place for martial art classes like Tae Kwon Do, Karate and Judo. Check out our current offerings below.

Martial Arts at Performance Fieldhouse Paw Paw MI

8th Degree Coral Belt Luiz Filho
For Self Defense and Competition
Check out the details on the MATC home page
You can also  follow our BJJ program on Martial Arts Training Center’s Facebook page

A mix of introductory martial arts punches and kicks with body weight, kettle bells, and band exercises.
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays 7:30am
Saturdays at 8am
45 minute workout of martial arts moves and exercises
$10 drop-in
$60 per month for Monday/Wednesday/Friday
$70 per month for Monday/Wednesday/Friday/Saturday
$30 per month for just Saturdays

Host Your Fitness or Martial Art Classes Here!

If you are, or know of someone who is a fitness or martial arts instructor, let’s get together and get some classes going!! Please contact us if you are interested in running a program here.  We are also taking suggestions on days and times that would work for YOU!!  (It’s not about us!!)

Fitness Programs


Performance FieldHouse is Southwest Michigan’s premiere indoor sports facility. We have several indoor courts, outdoor athletic fields, a weight machine, an AV room and a matted room for complete training programs. Check out our current offerings below.

Tuesdays at 10am from Oct 10-Dec 11.
$110 for 11 weeks.
Class is for 1 and 2 year old, parent participation. This is set up as an open play class with lots of movement encouraged. We have climbing structures, mats, bouncy equipment, bars, beams and much more.
For more info please email Missy at
Register HERE

Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays 7:30am
Saturdays at 8am
45 minute workout of martial arts moves and exercises
$10 drop-in
$60 per month for Monday/Wednesday/Friday
$70 per month for Monday/Wednesday/Friday/Saturday
$30 per month for just Saturdays
Details on our Martial Arts Page

Fitness Programs - Cardio Drumming

Host Your Fitness Class Here!

You know, we do have that matted room in addition to the two basketball courts. This is a great place for group fitness. Zumba, yoga, aerobics, martial arts, whatever. If you are, or know of someone who is, a group fitness instructor, let’s get together and get some classes going!! Please contact us if you are interested in running a program here.  We are also taking suggestions on days and times that would work for YOU!!  (It’s not about us!!)

Baseball Programs

Baseball / Softball

Opening Day Spring Adult CoEd Softball Tournament
Random draw double elimination bracket
Cost $210 per team, payable in whole by team Captain/Representative
Info contact Mark at or 248-890-3877
Register HERE



Indoor Practice Rentals

  • 90′ x 110′ open fl
    oor for fielding
  • 4 –  70′ x 12′ batting cages
  • 2 wheel Jugs baseball pitching machine
  • Iron Mike baseball pitching machine

Baseball Indoor Training Facility

Ball Field Rentals

Looking for the perfect place to host your baseball or softball leagues and practices? Performance FieldHouse has two professionally maintained athletic fields.

  • $30/hr for one standard field
  • Additional costs: lining if different then baseball field, extra portable restrooms, bleachers, etc.
  • Certificate of Insurance with Performance FieldHouse is required.
  • Contact us to make field reservations: (248) 890-3877.

Field rental is available May 1 to November 1.

  • Two skinned diamonds
  • Both with portable mounds
  • Field 1: plugs at 60’, 65’ and 70’
  • Field 2: plugs at 65′, 70’ and 90’
Ball Fields Available for Rent Near Me