Performance FieldHouse Sponsors Rock!

We are grateful for the businesses in Southwest Michigan that have sponsored Performance FieldHouse. Your business can grow by advertising at our facility.

There are thousands of athletes and parents that spend time at our facility.

Put your business in front of them!

Sponsorship Programs

Your sponsorship helps support programs at our facility and improvements. All sponsorships are annual renewals.


  • 4’x8’ banner on FieldHouse wall
  • 4’x8’ banner on fences of two outdoor fields
  • Your logo on our website and Facebook page


  • 4’x8’ banner on FieldHouse wall
  • Your logo on our website and Facebook page


  • 4’x8’ banner on fences of two outdoor fields
  • Your logo on our website and Facebook page


  • Your logo on our website and Facebook page

Local Paw Paw and Mattawan Business Sponsors

Sponsorship Form

Complete the form below to sign up to be a Performance FieldHouse sponsor. Checks can be mailed to 1027 E. Michigan  Ave, Paw Paw MI, 49079 or bring it with you when you bring us your banner(s). Call Mark at (248) 890-3877 with questions.

    * = Required

    Company Name: *

    Company Website: *

    Company Logo: (Accepted File Types: .pdf, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif)

    Contact Name: *

    Contact Phone: *

    Contact Email: *

    Sponsor Type: *

    Additional Comments:

    Please read our Privacy Policy to find out how we protect and manage your data.

    Grant Consent: *
    I grant Performance FieldHouse consent to collect my general information, including name, phone number, and email address.